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For over 70 years, this grand cru of olive oil is the fruit of a delicate blend of varieties harvested still green. Originating from the best European terroirs, this vintage has a bold taste and lively aromas. Ideal for salads, tomatoes and other raw vegetables. Taste: At the first approach, the green side comes to awaken our taste buds and release this particular 'olive' taste. After a few moments, the peppery side comes to settle at the bottom of the mouth revealing a powerful character.

Can of olive oil. Metal has two advantages: it preserves olive oil from light and allows safe transport. Storage: Protect from light and heat . In the cellar or in the kitchen for smaller containers for everyday use. Olive oil, like wine, does not appreciate changes in temperature. For lovers of Nicolas Alziari... the red label is by far the preferred EVOO.

(250 ml, 8.45 fl oz)

"Cuvée Pauline" Organic Olive Oil

Only 4 left in stock

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